namespace Tlf;
class BigDb {
/** for convenience sql commands like select, insert, update, delete */
use BigDb\SqlVerbs;
/** To easily load sql from .sql files */
use BigDb\SqlFiles;
/** Integrate with LilDb's LilMigrations class, to handle database versioning */
use BigDb\Migrations;
/** For loading of ORMs */
use BigDb\GetOrms;
protected \PDO $pdo;
public \Tlf\LilDb $ldb;
/** Sql queries, typically from .sql files on disk */
protected array $sql;
/** The namespace from which Orm classes should be loaded */
protected string $orm_namespace;
/** The name used by BigDbServer to identify this BigDb instance. Does NOT correspond to a mysql database. Also, {}@see get_db_name()} */
protected string $db_name;
public function __construct(\PDO $pdo){
$this->pdo = $pdo;
$this->ldb = new \Tlf\LilDb($pdo);
* Initialize BigDb by loading queries, setting up Orm loader, and such, using a defined directory structure.
* Does nothing on `Tlf\BigDb`, but subclasse init from the directory they are defined in.
* @override if you're using a non-standard directory structure. If only your root dir is nonstandard, override {@see get_root_dir()}
public function init(){
if (!is_subclass_of($this, self::class)) {
$root_dir = $this->get_root_dir();
* Get path to the root of a BigDb library.
* @return directory name where your BigDb subclass is defined, or null if not a subclass
* @override if your BigDb subclass is not in the root directory of your bigdb library. Override {@see init()} or {@see init_from_dir()} if you have more extensive changes.
public function get_root_dir(): ?string {
if (!is_subclass_of($this, self::class)){
return null;
$refClass = new \ReflectionClass($this);
$file = $refClass->getFileName();
$dir = dirname($file);
return $dir;
* Initialize a BigDb library from a directory using the strictly defined directory structure.
* @param $dir the root dir of your bigdb library
public function init_from_dir(string $dir){
* Get a name for the BigDbServer to reference.
* @return string a string name, typically snake_case. Default implementation returns `$this->db_name` if set, or a snake_case version of the class's basename if `protected $db_name` is not set.
* @override if setting `$this->db_name` will not work for you AND you don't want a snake_case version of the class's basename.
public function get_db_name(): string {
if (isset($this->db_name))return $this->db_name;
$class_name = get_class($this);
$parts = explode('\\', $class_name);
$base = array_pop($parts);
$snake = preg_replace('/([a-z])([A-Z])([a-z])/', '$1_$2$3', $base);
$snake = strtolower($snake);
return $snake;